Monday, February 10, 2014

Game Night!

So on Mondays we get together with friends to play table top games. Its fabulously nerdy and an all around good time.

I had about a million things to do today but it was rainy as shit so I didn't accomplish anything aside from this. I felt like I had to do *something* today. That, and I was also a bit bummed that I got a very low number of hypes on Lookbook yesterday. Lace has been reassuring me that it takes a long time to develop a following and start generating a respectable amount of hypes - so I'll just keep posting away!

Due to rain and lateness I just took the pics in our bedroom - terrible lighting and we couldn't figure out how to make the remote work reliably, so all of these were taken by Coda while holding both the camera and tripod attached to

Aaaand apparently one of these sets got over-edited. Whoops! Too late and don't care.

Tomorrow I really need to get my shit together and start doing some things that need doing. One of which is sewing my first ever commissioned dress! That one is looming pretty huge over my head...I need to go to Joann's to get a few more things for it and I'm putting off the trip. I have a lot of ideas about it though~ which makes me excited! I'll make a post about dress making later.

For now, however, I'm going to take off about half of this stuff, throw on what Coda calls my "ugly sweater" and go eat $3 burgers before having an all-out nerdgasm with the bros.

Love and kittens,

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