Friday, February 21, 2014

New job - new schedule.

So I just found out the other day that I was hired as a sales associate at Forever 21. Yay! But now this poses a new challenge for me: how to maintain my particular style within the confines of the work clothing guidelines.

I mean, I guess this is to be expected; of course when you work in a store there are certain things that aren't ok to wear, but it was actually a bit more restrictive than I expected.

I cannot:
Wear shorts that are shorter than 4 inches above my knee. 
(so all trendy shorts)
Wear skirts that are shorter than 4 inches above the knee. 
(all my skirts and dresses anyway)
Show tattoos larger than a quarter.
 (crap - there go my arms)
Wear plain shirts by themselves.
 (no boring simple outfits)
Have more than 2 piercings per ear.
(what will I do with that third on the left side??)
Show any sort of bra/excessive skin on the top half. 
(and there go all the cropped shirts and tanks)

So basically I need to make an outfit that suits my style that looks somewhat professional (cry) and consists of pants, long sleeved shirts, and jackets/cardigans. There goes my whole closet.

However! I choose to make this into a challenge. Is it possible to dress like a trendy punk in a modest, professional way? We'll find out!

In the mean time though, I'm wearing all the scandalous items of clothing when not at work. 

Check out the leg action on this OOTD.

You get bonus face photos!

Yeah so this is just a super casual outfit which I wore to go shopping for modest working clothes in. Nothing special, but I liked it. Super comfortable too.

In any case, my first day of work is on Monday - hopefully I have time to take OOTD photos and you can enjoy my daily struggle lol.

Love and kittens,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Just an update. I totally got that Forever 21 job.

Awww yissssss.

Job Apps and Sewing!

Hello all!

So as I said, I've been applying to jobs. It seems really endless right now because every week goes something like:
-apply to job
-wait for reply
-apply again
-repeat forever.

This is my excuse for not having posted lately. Sorry about that!

I've also been busy starting on my very first order ever!! Yay!

Step 1 to creating a nice dress: wash the fabric and then iron the fabric to make sure the fold is easily accessible. This is important to prevent shrinkage post completion and to make cutting the pattern easier.

Step 2 to making a nice dress would of course be cutting the pattern. This takes the longest in my experience - especially if it's a new pattern. Luckily for me this is my second go at this particular dress so it went rather smoothly.

I'm actually more done than this right now but I don't have photo proof. 
Maybe if I'm lucky I'll have a complete dress to post here tomorrow??

In addition to all of that sewing going on - I did finally do a new ootd!

As seen on Lookbook:

The shoot in it's entirety:

Hey look! I threw some bonus cats in there for you guys!
Yes this is my house.
Yes these are my cats.
I don't wander around in random people's back yards looking for strange new cats...geez.

Also for your viewing pleasure, my makeup of the day 
(since the photo shoot did a terrible job of showing it off):

For the record: this is my NYX runway collection thing that I always seem to do on days when I want to look approachable, Maybelline eyeliner, Maybelline lipstick in Desert Cherry and some kind of

In other news this is what has been going on with my life:

Lots of playing board games with friends. As a result of this we now have a new board game in the works!

Also this happened.
Taxidermy turkey arrived at the house - hilarity ensued.
FYI live animals are *not* fans of taxidermy.

Love and kittens,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The end of funemployment??

Today I made it out of the house to finally go and pick up job applications!...Only to find out that 90% of stores do it online these days. Also though, I got my license changed to Texas - I am now officially Texan!

Seeing that the next few days will probably be quite busy for me (game planning day, valentines day, friend's all day birthday) I wanted to be extra sure that I posted something today - even though the lighting is awful and omg why can't I find a decent wall to stand in front of??? This house is a disaster.

Without further ado:

That's right! This ootd shoot was actually supposed to include animals...but those photos didn't seem quality enough for lookbook. But you get a bonus!

Zorro (the dog) wasn't sure what to do about posing...but she's usually quite the diva. Jethro (kitten) wasn't sure why we wouldn't leave her alone. But animals!

Love and kittens.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Game Night!

So on Mondays we get together with friends to play table top games. Its fabulously nerdy and an all around good time.

I had about a million things to do today but it was rainy as shit so I didn't accomplish anything aside from this. I felt like I had to do *something* today. That, and I was also a bit bummed that I got a very low number of hypes on Lookbook yesterday. Lace has been reassuring me that it takes a long time to develop a following and start generating a respectable amount of hypes - so I'll just keep posting away!

Due to rain and lateness I just took the pics in our bedroom - terrible lighting and we couldn't figure out how to make the remote work reliably, so all of these were taken by Coda while holding both the camera and tripod attached to

Aaaand apparently one of these sets got over-edited. Whoops! Too late and don't care.

Tomorrow I really need to get my shit together and start doing some things that need doing. One of which is sewing my first ever commissioned dress! That one is looming pretty huge over my head...I need to go to Joann's to get a few more things for it and I'm putting off the trip. I have a lot of ideas about it though~ which makes me excited! I'll make a post about dress making later.

For now, however, I'm going to take off about half of this stuff, throw on what Coda calls my "ugly sweater" and go eat $3 burgers before having an all-out nerdgasm with the bros.

Love and kittens,

Sunday, February 9, 2014

First OOTD!

Wow so this is finally getting started...

I made my first post on today! (Well, the first one that counts...) Please hype!

This has been a long time in the making; still nervous and finding my sea legs. But! I'm happy that I'm finally able to start!

Without further ado:

Some serious thanks to my photographer. *tilts hat* 

Outer Jacket: clothes-swapped from Lace/Silkfawn
Inner Jacket: Forever 21
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Jeans: H&M
Boots: Target (still in stores I believe!!)
Earrings: H&M
Necklace: chain was clothes-swapped from friend Kris, and the keychain at the end is from Buckingham Palace

Today's makeup job was lame and sloppy:

My awesome hair was also done by Lace/Silkfawn.
Lipstick: Maybelline in Deepest Cherry
Eyeshadow: NYX 

This was my "going to see the Lego Movie" outfit. The movie was amazing by the way. Unikitten is my power animal.

Future posts will hopefully contain shots of the clothing before wearing them as well as possibly price estimates and possibly even information on what my clothes might be a dupe of. My aim when dressing myself is to get the look for as cheap as humanly possible- I'll let you in on some of my secrets~

Post 1 over and out! Give me some love!
